One day I will write a book about motherhood and I will call it (yes, that's right): You love the cat more than me! And Other Tales of Motherhood. More than three years ago when we got Sugar, who is part Siamese, part Tabby, I would enrage my daughter J if I showed him the slightest gesture of affection (even a scintilla!) after I had just reprimanded her about something.
Sugar is an eccentric little fellow. He walks around with a stuffed mouse as a companion whom we call "Mrs. Mouse" and I playfully refer to as Sugar's wife as in "Oh no, Mrs. Mouse is under the dining room table, I think Sugar was having his way with her ..." Teenage daughter's response: "Ewww, mommy!" Mysteriously, we have never seen him carry Mrs. Mouse. But we do find Mrs. Mouse in the oddest places. Unless ... Mrs. Mouse assumes magical powers while we sleep and transports herself around the house.
When Sugar wakes up he straggles into the kitchen for breakfast like a lazy teen ... half an hour after everyone else.
At dinner time, he sits by my chair patiently and stares into my eyes ... willing me to give him a little slice of meat or fish. Go over to R's side and stare at him, I say. R never buckles. I always do if the food is appropriate. And Sugar never moves until dinner is over.
At night, he crawls in beside and R and me and tries to squeeze in between us. If there is no space he sits on my back or tummy with the patience of Job until I move ... he gets as close as he can get to R and then lies down and begins to suck on his paw. I always imagine that he was separated from his mother too early and that this comforts him. But I am a sucker for babies (baby anything is cute to me) and this is probably a total fiction.
- attempting to use my Lady Schick razor or at least dragging it under the dining room table where we can cut our bare feet..
- eating through foil to get to the chocolate bunnies on Easter..
- biting the exterior skin of bananas and kiwis which are lying on the kitchen island ripening and leaving them on the kitchen floor.
- lazily lying on people's clothes left on the bed.
- sitting beside my computer and staring at the screen blankly like me (perhaps he has writing ambitions?)
- stealing silver coloured stuffies from J's bed and closet (lambie - white; Mrs. Mouse - grey; Sugar stuffie - small silver & white cat).
- tall Asian men with silvery hair - he has exquisite taste apparently.
Quirky as they are, a cat makes a very good friend.
well, I truly love my little darling!
Greetings from Cape Town.
Me too - I love cats. I gave a black one called Fabio.
Cool blog.
Ah yes! Thanks for posting!
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